Anatoliy Abdula

Date of birth12.11.1976
Place of living Kharkiv, Ukraine
Height, weight 180 cm, 82 kg
Referee statusReferee
Started referee career in 1999
Referee in Ukrainian Second League since 2004
Referee in Ukrainian First League since 2006
Referee in Ukrainian Premier League / Vyshcha Liha / Supreme League since 2008
UEFA international referee (Category 3)
FIFA referee since 2012

Referee appointments – statistic

Season Matches Penalties
2005/2006 3 - - - -
2006/2007 10 - - - -
2007/2008 19 - - - -
2008/2009 10 - - - -
2009/2010 7 - - - -
2010/2011 13 - - - -
2011/2012 14 - - - -
2012/2013 14 - - - -
2013/2014 13 - - - -
2014/2015 10 - - - -
2015/2016 10 - - - -
2016/2017 12 - - - -
2017/2018 12 - - - -
2018/2019 12 - - - -
2019/2020 13 - - - -
2020/2021 7 - - - -
2021/2022 6 - - - -

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