Petru Leuca

Date of birth19.07.1990
Place of birth Moldova
Nationality Moldova
Height, weight 192 cm, 80 kg

Player profile – performance data

Season Clubs Country/Competition Matches Goals
2007/08 Besiktas Chisinau Moldova (D2) 6 1 - -
2008/09 Academia UTM Chisinau Moldova (Д1) 27 5 6 0
2009/10 Academia UTM Chisinau Moldova (Д1) 18 2 3 0
2010/11 Academia UTM Chisinau Moldova (Д1) 22 3 2 0
2011/12 PFC Olexandria Ukraine (Д1) 0 0 0 0
Last change: 09.06.2012.

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