FC Komunalnyk Luhansk

ClubFC Komunalnyk Luhansk
Date of birth2007

FC Komunalnyk Luhansk – Statistics performances in Ukrainian football championship (Premier League)

Season   Club Matches W D L Goals +/- Pts  
2007/08 D3 1 FC Komunalnyk Luhansk 34 22 7 5 56:26 +30 73  
2008/09 D2 18 FC Komunalnyk Luhansk 32 2 1 10 12:31 -19 71) Disqualified
Comments: Pts = Points; MP = Matches Playes; W = Wins; D = Draws; L = Loses; G = Goals; +/- = Goald difference
1) Komunalnyk Luhansk withdrew from the PFL on October 17th, 2008. The PFL annulled all results and adjusted the standings.

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